Lens removal goals

The scleral lens removal process has three distinct goals.

GOAL 1: Lid spread

You need a method to ensure that your lids are held wide enough open until the lens has completely cleared your lids and lashes. This can be done with one or both hands.

An inadequate lid spread may interfere with removal and may also lead to lens loss, if your lids begin to close and knock against a partially removed lens.

GOAL 2: Breaking the suction

Removing a scleral lens is not about simply lifting or pulling it off your eye. A properly fitted scleral has formed enough of a seal to hold fluid on the eye. The suction needs to be broken. That can be done with or without a plunger.

As a matter of safety, it is important that you report any lens removal difficulties to your lens provider.

Scleral lenses may be considerably harder to remove if they have been insufficiently customized for your eyes and become too tight while you are wearing them. Tight lenses can sometimes be quite comfortable, so unless you are examined after the lenses have been in for several hours, this issue can be overlooked.


GOAL #3: Removing the lens

Once the suction is broken, the lens needs to be removed from the eye and clear the lids. Preventing lens loss is an important aspect of technique.


Prep & workspace considerations


Plunger method