Where are you on the scleral lens journey?

Scroll down to find yourself.

Phase 1: “Am I Ready?”

  • I'm learning

    What exactly are sclerals? Who else uses them, and why? What’s involved in this whole process? How do I find a provider?

  • I'm preparing

    I’ve got a provider, but I don’t know what I don’t know. What are the most important questions to ask before I make a commitment?

Phase 2: “The Process”

  • Fitting

    My provider orders custom sclerals and tries them on me, assesses them, determines any needed modifications, and orders a new set. Hurry up and wait; rinse, repeat as needed.

  • Training

    Meantime, I am also learning how to apply, remove and care for my sclerals, always under supervision. I might need extra sessions and special tools and techniques for lens application.

  • Dispense

    We’re there! My provider is happy with the fit, I’m happy with my vision and comfort, I have my starter kit and instructions and an emergency contact and I’m taking my sclerals home.

Phase 3: “What’s next?”

  • Troubleshooting

    Yippee! My final lenses have been dispensed. I am working out my new daily routines. I think I’ve got this, but there are some unexpected hurdles and I have many questions. I go back to my provider for scheduled follow-up.

  • Adapting

    I’ve nailed all the daily routines and I am feeling like a confident user… um, as long as I never leave home! How do I integrate scleral lenses into my “real” life, work, recreation, even travel?

Detours and dead ends

  • Uh oh.


    Fitting (or training) did not work out.
    I’m trying to pick up the pieces.
    What happened? Did I choose the wrong provider?
    Am I just not a good candidate?
    Where do I go from here?