
CAUTION: No website can safely substitute for supervised training by a professional. We offer these tips informationally.

  • Use a stand.

  • Use a stand.

  • Do you feel like you're using the wrong hand, or your nose is in the way?

    Try switching hands. Some people use the same hand positions for both eyes, others switch.

  • Calm self-talk and practice.

    Consider stand, so that you are moving your eye to the lens rather than the lens to the eye.

  • Warm the saline slightly while you are learning. You won't be able to feel it when it touches the eye.

  • Your face needs to be parallel to the counter. Tuck your chin. If you are too tall for this to be comfortable, you might consider a tall stand (see S5).

  • Common problem with the saline used in repeated attempts. Keep a towel handy to keep your lids dry.

  • Use a hollow inserter (eg vented) or an inserter with a light so that there is something to focus on.

  • Fill the lens with a preservative-free gel rather than saline while practicing.

  • Bubbles aren't always obvious. Using a high magnification lighted mirror can help.


Tools and techniques