Dental bibs
Handling & storage Rebecca Petris Handling & storage Rebecca Petris

Dental bibs

Dental bibs are a practical accessory for using scleral lenses on the go. The plastic backing and absorbent surface makes them suitable to cover any surface where you may need to handle your sclerals - at work, even in flight.

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Handling & storage Rebecca Petris Handling & storage Rebecca Petris


High magnification mirrors are an essential tool for some scleral lens users. They can assist with the application and removal processes and help to determine whether there are any bubbles present under the lens.

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Contact lens friendly hand soaps
Handling & storage Rebecca Petris Handling & storage Rebecca Petris

Contact lens friendly hand soaps

Many hand soaps today contain moisturizers. But the hand soap you use before handling sclerals should be moisturizer free so that oils are not transferred to the scleral lens surface.

Options can be as simple as Dawn dish soap, or a hand soap sold specifically for contact lens users, such as the popular Ocusoft brand.

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Basic flat screw-top lens case
Handling & storage Rebecca Petris Handling & storage Rebecca Petris

Basic flat screw-top lens case

Flat cases can be used for daily disinfection of sclerals with multi-purpose solution as long as the size is compatible. They are also handy for temporary lens storage in multi-purpose solution even if you normally use a hydrogen peroxide disinfection system with a “basket” style case.

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PROSE case
Handling & storage Rebecca Petris Handling & storage Rebecca Petris

PROSE case

The PROSE case is a specialty case from BostonSight designed for PROSE device disinfection using hydrogen peroxide systems (Clear Care). It is very large and requires approximately 1.5oz (44mL) of Clear Care or hydrogen peroxide per use.

This case requires a catalyst disc, which is not included and cannot be purchased separately. To obtain a catalyst disc, you need to purchase Clear Care, remove the disc from the Clear Care case and place it in the PROSE case. This is an OFF LABEL use of Clear Care, so consult your provider.

This case is suitable for lenses from 16mm to 22mm diameter and is not suitable for corneal RGPs or soft lenses. The basket diameter is approximately 25mm. If your lenses are larger than 22mm, please ask your provider for guidance.

Do not use Progent cleaner with this case.

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Progent large diameter lens case
Handling & storage Rebecca Petris Handling & storage Rebecca Petris

Progent large diameter lens case

The Progent case is a Menicon brand “basket”-style specialty case for using Progent cleaning solution with scleral lenses.

The Progent case accommodates lenses between 11mm and 23mm diameter.

As a matter of safety, this case should never be used with hydrogen peroxide cleaning systems (Clear Care). H2O2 requires a vented case.

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